Saturday, July 31, 2010


Ok, I know I've slacked off, but life is busy right now. I do have posts in mind that I need to research. Until then, here is a fun site that Angela from The Bookshelf Muse shared today. (If you haven't checked out her blog you are soooo missing out! She has an emotions thesaurus, a setting description thesaurus, a color textures and shapes thesaurus, and a symbolism thesaurus.)

The Grimace Project. Minute facial detail for the cardinal emotions. Great for figuring out an expression for anger, disgust, joy, etc.

Monday, July 26, 2010


My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams
are reflected....Anna M. Uhlich.

The soul that can speak through the eyes can
also kiss with a gaze....Gustavo Adolfo Becquer.

The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the
eyes mark its intentions....Marcus Tullius Cicero.

The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul....Ralph Waldo Emerson.

They say that eyes are the window to the soul. What does eye color say about your characters?


Steel Blue Gray

Gold Amber


Olive Green

Darker Hazel


Light Brown

 Albino Red
Bright Green

Some bright new colors, thanks to computer tinkering.

Gold green                    emerald green

red?                  ice blue

violet              midnight blue

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I found some of these photos and descriptions on this page for Beauty Care. The rest were found on google images by searching for each type of eye. It is possible to have a combination of some of these. Such as deep-set small eyes. I will gather pictures of men's eyes to add to this after my busy weekend.

Wide-set eyes--this type of eye tends to give the face an open, youthful appearance.

Close-set eyes--This type of eye has a dramatic, sultry look.

Evenly spaced eyes--These are about an eye's distance apart, meaning a third eye would fit comfortable between the two. Now there is an image for you.

Almond shaped eyes--These are the most common eye shape with their upswept lift at the outer corner.

Small eyes--They are proportionately smaller in comparison to the rest of the facial features.

Prominent eyes--These eyes which set far forward in the face tend to dominate the facial features. The eyelids are too pronounced.

Hooded eyes--These eyes are set so the natural crease in the eyelid is not readily seen.

Deep-set eyes--They seem to recede into the face. The eyelid crease is set back so the area from the base of  lashes to brow bone seems hidden.

 Oriental eyes--These eyes have a distinctive lift at the corner and have very little lid.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Facial Hair

First of all, while searching google for pictures I stumbled upon Holy Taco. That link will take you to his "What Your facial Hair Really Says About You" post. I'm using some of his photos. Check out his site for more photos of "who sports it"--celebrity wise.

Clean shaven (I just have to say it--doesn't he have amazing eyes?!)

The Soul Patch with long sideburns

Mutton Chops

Manicured Scruff (as opposed to normal stubble?)


Full Goatee

Full Beard

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hair Color

I found this amazing chart for hair color in google images. Click for a better view.

Here are the names top to bottom, from left to right:

Light blond
honey blond
mahogany chestnut--Could split these up and use separately
light mahogany chestnut
ash chestnut
light ash chestnut

dark chestnut
platinum blond
golden chestnut
mahogany blond
copper chestnut
dark ash blond
ash blond

light chestnut
light golden chestnut
dark golden chestnut
light copper chestnut
copper blond
light ash blond
Swedish blond--Would drop Swedish

dark blond
golden blond
light golden blond
light copper blond
henna red
roman sunset--would drop roman
light roman sunset--would drop roman

Some other hair descriptors:
mousy brown

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Face shapes

Face shapes

Heart shaped face. Wide forehead tapering to a narrow jaw line.

Example of a heart shaped face.

Oblong or rectangular face. Forehead and jaw line are similar in width. The length of the face is longer than a square face. See below.

Example of an oblong face.

Round Face. A symmetrical face. The forehead arcs gently to the cheeks and continues along the jaw line.

Example of a round face.

Square face. Similar to the oblong in that the forehead and jaw line are almost equal in width. The difference is a shorter distance between the forehead and jaw.

Examples of Square faces. Kyra is borderline oblong.

Oval Face. Similar to a round face with more distance between the forehead and the jaw.

Example of an oval face.

All images were found on google image search.